Welcome to the PARK Foundation website – Foundation „Space, Activity, Development and Creativity”. Its main goal is public benefit activities for the development of culture, civil society, social integration (civic, cultural) through the development of activity and creative creativity of various social groups. The spectrum of interests of the Foundation is very wide: from maintaining national tradition, civic awareness, cultural and cultural heritage protection through all artistic activities as well as stimulating and supporting social and creative innovations, to environmental protection, landscape, as well as the development of physical culture, recreation and promoting a healthy style life.
With its goals, the Foundation fits in with the atmosphere of Puszczykowo – a former resort, which was a place of recreational trips, cultural events and accompanying routines integrating the local community and guests from Poznań. Its headquarters is one of the oldest, historic houses in Puszczykowo, located at the threshold of the Wielkopolski National Park, at Podleśna Street. The founders’ intention was that this beautiful landhaus, which was a summer house in the early 20th century and then always had a residential function, is to turn creative people into a center of artistic and social development.
We invite people who like creative ferment and are not afraid of artistic challenges to „Dom pod Lipami”. We open to them a space of activity and creativity, which they will be able to develop themselves, according to their own scenario, passion and social needs. Spiritual space is already there, while physical space requires restoration and renovation. Any pair of hands that will help us will be useful here.
The Foundation „Space, Activity, Development and Creativity” was registered on 15.12.2015. The Foundation uses the abbreviated name „Foundation PARK”. Its founders are Małgorzata Ornoch-Tabędzka and Jakub Tabędzki.
The headquarters of the Foundation is located in Puszczykowo, in a historic villa at Podleśna 10 Street.
Main goals of the PARK Foundation
1. Maintaining national tradition and civic and cultural awareness.
2. Supporting creative, artistic and innovative activities in every age and social group.
3. Protection and promotion of cultural assets and national heritage.
4. Protection and promotion of the natural heritage and landscape.
5. Shaping and propagating ecological attitudes.
6. Promoting the idea of civil society and corporate social responsibility.
7. Promoting social dialogue and civic dialogue as effective tools for shaping civic attitudes and solving social conflicts.
8. Supporting all kinds of educational activities freeing creative potential and liberating entrepreneurship.
9. Support and promotion of active participation in culture.
10. Supporting the personal development of people of all ages and representatives of both sexes.
11. Development of intergenerational cooperation and integration in various social groups.
12. Activation of people at risk of social and digital exclusion.
13. Supporting activities for dysfunctional families, preventing social pathologies.
14. Supporting the improvement of qualifications and lifelong learning.
15. Developing physical culture and promoting a healthy lifestyle, with particular emphasis on the intellectual activity of people over 60 years of age.
16. Promotion of mutual assistance and volunteering organization.
17. Supporting activities and development of the third sector.
18. Stimulating and supporting social and creative innovation.
19. Promoting new technologies and developing a knowledge-based society.
20. Supporting physical activity and educational processes among children and youth.
21. Equalizing educational opportunities for children and youth.
22. Promoting and protecting consumer rights and fair trade principles.
23. Development of international contacts and cooperation between societies.
24. Supporting multicultural integration and respect for national, ethnic and religious separateness.
25. Dissemination of civil liberties, freedoms and human rights, and assistance to victims of persecution and armed conflict at home and abroad.